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Post  Chalmers Clive  registered since 13/11/2017, 19:47:05
Post  Cheall Paul  registered since 30/05/2010, 14:07:18

Paul is the editor of the book "Grim Determination".
The book is Bill Cheall's story, an ordinary, but extraordinary, British soldier, covering the entire period of WW2, including being on the beaches at Dunkirk and in the first wave to land on D-Day. Bill Cheall, Paul's Dad, served as a Green Howard in Montgomery's Eighth Army and his memoirs are a tribute to all soldiers who fight for their country.
The book has several references to Sicily during the war and it's going to be published next year.
More info are at:

Post  Christienen Lynda registered since 23/11/2013, 13:33:57

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